The National Childcare Conversation
Have you seen us in the news?
There is a national conversation going on about the essential role child care and child care providers play, not just in the lives of young children, but on the country’s economic health as a whole. Everyone is finally talking about:
How early learning affects the health and learning trajectory of every child
How a parent’s ability to get back to work is dependent on finding a safe, affordable, loving environment for their child
How prevalent this conversation is for millions of American families
How painfully few centers there are compared to the overwhelming need
And how a “return to normal” is nowhere in sight without a solution to this core, nationwide challenge.
It is a conversation decades in the making.
It’s all about Jubilee JumpStart.
And it’s happening, finally!
Of course, you’re family, so this conversation is not news to you. Together, we have seen the cumulative impact for more than 300 children who’ve spent their earliest years receiving consistent, high-quality care and education from loving caregivers. With your support, we have enabled 500 parents to hold down jobs that support their families and grow as their children’s first teachers. And thanks to you, we have been a key part of DC’s economic success where employers can count on their workers and together contribute to a vibrant city. Because you are so deeply invested in our work, we are marching into 2022 wrapped up in feelings of gratitude and visions of growth.
A Mother’s Tale of Two Siblings
Irma knows exactly what I mean by gratitude and growth! Her story illustrates the life cycle of Jubilee JumpStart and how continuing our work impacts a family and the community. Irma came to our center with her daughter thanks to meeting a teacher on the bus. She watched Amanda flourish as a preschooler with us – including throughout the closure and adjustments due to the pandemic. In fact, Irma was profoundly grateful for the ways her family was assisted and cared for over the past 2 years, saying:
“I saw how much they cared for all of us, not just Amanda. It made me feel good about her days and I was able to do what I needed as a mother. I worked when my husband could not and I knew I was strong with all of the help.”
Amanda graduated from our PreK class in love with learning after three powerful years at our center. She marched into her Kindergarten classroom this past August prepared for success. At the very same time, her brother Gabriel began in our infant classroom, literally crawling into the joy of a place built and staffed specifically to nurture his development. Through it all, Irma has grown as a parent and built her own confidence to do more for herself and her children. This life cycle of love and care and support and growth is what Jubilee JumpStart provides for children who deserve nothing less and for every parent who needs it. And as everyone knows now – all parents need it!
We are eternally inspired by our community – our children who bring joy into all of their development, our parents who open themselves up to partnership and their own growth, our teachers who show up and learn for their young learners, and YOU, our friends who surround us with care, confidence, and resources to make it all happen at once! As we march further away from the pandemic and into 2022, we look forward to a year of increasing our parental support and teacher training, forging a path towards growth and becoming a community made whole once again.
We ask that you join us with a tax-deductible financial gift to Jubilee JumpStart.
Give because you believe in Amanda and Gabriel’s future.
Give to help families and parents like Irma.
Give to support our teachers as they make Jubilee JumpStart extraordinary.
And…Give to be part of the solution for our nation’s child care crisis.
Together we can demonstrate how Jubilee JumpStart is modeling what we hope every child, every family, and every community can experience with deep investment. The country is counting on us to share the challenges we have faced in meeting our mission and the lessons we have learned.
We wish you a joyous holiday. We give thanks for your boundless love and support during some of the toughest years in memory. We cannot wait to see you in person in the year ahead - our smiles will shine through our masks! There will be no way to hide our bright spirits and happy hearts!
Or mail a check or money order to:
Jubilee JumpStart
2525 Ontario Road, NW - Ground Floor
Washington, DC 20009
Thank you for supporting Jubilee JumpStart!
Links to learn more about Build Back Better Act for Childcare
Build Back Better Framework: Investments in Children, Families and Caregiving that Grow the Economy’s Capacity;, October 28, 2021
What's in Build Back Better for Babies?;, Nov 3. 2021
Build Back Better: What it Means for Children and Families;, 2021