Wonderful news! The ACT Raising Safe Kids program was a great success at Jubilee JumpStart last month! For eight weeks starting in May, enrolled families gathered once a week to develop effective skills to prevent violence in the lives of children. Led by our Healthy Futures partner and child therapist, Anais Lugo-Axtmann, alongside our Community Engagement Coordinator, Danica Benson, the program covered key topics such as child development, effective communication, positive discipline techniques, anger management, and conflict resolution.
The program created a chance for parents to meet and build relationships with one another as they reflected on their parenting styles and experiences and learned together. Because of our community's generous support, we provided childcare and meals for participants and their children, so they could focus on learning and connecting. The evidence-based program aims to make early violence prevention a central and ongoing part of the community and educate adults about their important role in creating healthy and safe childhood environments.
We're thrilled to have offered this program to our community and look forward to continuing to support families and children in reaching their full potential!