Last school year, Jubilee JumpStart partnered with Zero-to-Three to pilot the new Problem Solvers curriculum that helps families and educators support early math learning in their daily experiences with children. Zero-to-Three is a national leader in helping families, caregivers, and educators of children under three to interpret and apply the "science of early childhood".
In November, our Deputy Director Dominique Spencer and JJS board member and Sr. Director of Programs at Zero-to-Three Rebecca Parlakian introduced the curriculum at NAEYC's annual conference. NAEYC, or The National Association for the Education of Young Children, is considered a gold star accreditation organization and benchmarking resource for all things related to early childhood education. NAEYC hosts an annual global conference that brings together ECE professionals "to connect, collaborate, and learn.”
Dominique explains the importance of our participation in the pilot and at the NAEYC conference this way:
ECE teachers often shy away from ‘teaching math’ until they realize how much math is involved in classrooms and everyday life. Presenting at the annual national conference was a chance to be in the room with some of the best and brightest minds in ECE. It was a career highlight and a great partnership with Zero to Three; another opportunity to plant the name and achievements of JJS on a national stage.
Thank you and congratulations to Dominique and Rebecca for representing JJS and leading in early childhood education!