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Our Big Announcement from our Executive Director and Board Chair

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Dear Jubilee JumpStart family and friends,

I’m writing to share some news: After 12 amazing years at Jubilee JumpStart, I will be leaving as the Executive Director at the end of January 2023.

I’m very proud of all that we’ve accomplished during my time here. The decision to leave is bittersweet – but I know it’s the right move, both for Jubilee JumpStart and for me. Over the past several years, we’ve worked hard to build a strategy for JJS to grow and serve more children and caregivers. As that strategic process has unfolded, it’s become clear that this is the right moment to pass the torch to a new leader who can bring the organization to an even higher level of growth and impact.

In many ways, the next chapter at Jubilee JumpStart has already begun. We’ve developed a new organizational structure that strengthens our internal work and frees up the Executive Director to focus on relationship-building, organizational financial health, and growth. I am delighted that we have promoted Dominique Spencer into our new Deputy Director role and made other internal promotions that will allow us to provide strong continuity and leadership as JJS navigates my departure. In addition, the Board will soon be hiring an Interim Executive Director to work alongside our team as it undertakes an executive search.

While there’s a lot of change ahead, our commitment to providing high-quality early education and care to the children and families of Jubilee JumpStart remains absolutely unchanged! And just as you've supported me and JJS in so many ways over the years, I know my colleagues and our next Executive Director will continue to rely on your wisdom, kindness, and support.

As for my own next steps – I am stepping into a moment of exploration and dreaming up new possibilities for this next season of my career. For now, my focus remains on readying JJS for this transition. I look forward to being in touch over the coming months and welcome you reaching out to share any questions or ideas about this transition.

Finally: thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do for Jubilee JumpStart. It’s truly been an honor and a joy to work in partnership for our precious children with you.

With my deepest gratitude,

Dee Dee


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